
How To Get Sea Lanterns In Minecraft

How to make sea lantern in Minecraft

After writing most of the lantern-related articles on boltgamer, it is finally time to cover Sea Lantern. Therefore, for the most part of this article, you will be guided through how to make Sea Lantern in Minecraft.

Sea Lantern is one of the different lanterns you can make in Minecraft. It emits the brightest light of light level 15, somewhat similar to that of Jack O' Lantern. Besides, it is the only lantern that will accompany you in underwater ruins.

In this Article, we'll see:

How to craft a Sea Lantern in Minecraft?

Let us see how to create a sea lantern step by step.

First, we will look at the Crafting material required, and then we will move on to see the crafting steps and finally to the recipe of sea lantern.

Without wasting any time, let dive deep into the sea lantern.

Also check – how to make a lantern in Minecraft?

Sea Lantern Crafting Material

  • 4 Prismarine Shards
  • 5 Prismarine Crystals
  • 3X3 Crafting Table

Let's have a look how you can find Prismarine shards and crystals in Minecraft.

Minecraft Sea Lantern Crafting Recipe steps

Follow along with these steps to make your first ever Sea lantern.

1) Prepare Basic potions

Collect essential potions like night vision, water breathing, and regeneration for your journey under the water. These potions will make your life much easier, underwater in the monuments trying to kill the sea Guardians. Splash the night potion so that you can easily see where you are heading in the monument.

2) Locate Ocean Monuments and Kill Guardians

Once you have located the ocean monuments, you can see various fish swimming around and blocking your path. The one fish we are trying to deal here is the Guardian. These look like normal fishes with spikes coming out of their bodies. You can also refer the image above.

Now, for our purpose of collecting the prismatic shards and crystals, you will have to kill the Guardians. Keep on knocking them down until you have gathered at least 4 Prismarine Shards and 5 Prismarine crystals.

3) Minecraft Sea Lantern Crafting Recipe

Okay! Here is your much-awaited recipe for Sea Lantern. Place the Prismatic shards at the four extreme corners of the 3X3 crafting table

and fill the remaining spots with Prismarine Crystals.

Boom! you have now successfully crafted your first Sea lantern.


In conclusion, this is how you make a sea lantern in Minecraft. You just need two crafting materials that are prismarine crystals and prismarine shards. It looks simple but the struggle you go through to find these two materials is real.

Lastly, I hope this article helped you out. If so, then do mention it in the comments below.

How To Get Sea Lanterns In Minecraft


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