
Has Walmart Contributed Money To Berne Sander S

Teachers and Walmart Workers Acme Listing equally Sanders Entrada Hits 1 1000000 Private Donors

With 99.95 percent of those who gave still able to practice so again, 2020 candidate says record milestone—reached faster than any other campaign in history—"is astonishing."

The presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders said it fabricated political history on Thursday by receiving campaign donations from 1 one thousand thousand individuals in the shortest amount of time.

"With 1 meg contributors, this is the but Democratic entrada that has more supporters than Donald Trump," said campaign manager Faiz Shakir in a statement.

"Our strength is in numbers," continued Shakir, "and that is why Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who is able to say his campaign will rely only on grassroots funding in both the primary and confronting Donald Trump. Similar all campaigns nosotros are beholden to our donors, and we're proud to stand with ane million working people."

Out of the more than than ane million private who have at present given, according to the campaign, simply .05 percent have given the maximum amount this ballot cycle, meaning that the other 99.95 percent are able to give again or multiple times.  The campaign also announced that is has more than 125,000 people signed up for recurring contributions each calendar month—money, it said, that provides "a consistent stream of reliable investment that will concluding throughout the entrada and build the organization required to win the nomination and defeat Donald Trump."

In its statement, the campaign touted that the occupation topping the list of donors is teachers and that the nigh common employer of those donating to Sanders' presidential bid remains Walmart, Starbucks, and Amazon.

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